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Charlotte is an Articling Student at Schultz Law Group LLP, bringing a diverse range of experiences and a passion for advocacy in legal matters. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BAH) as well as her Juris Doctor (JD) from Queen's University.

During her time at Queen's University, Charlotte displayed a strong commitment to justice and social causes through her involvement in various extracurricular activities. As a student caseworker for Queen's Legal Aid, she dedicated herself to assisting tenants in navigating complex landlord-tenancy issues. In this role, Charlotte gained valuable experience in resolving disputes and ensuring fair treatment for vulnerable individuals.

Additionally, Charlotte has gained practical experience as a legal assistant at a prominent mid-size firm in Ottawa. This invaluable opportunity allowed her to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in running a successful law firm. She honed her organizational abilities, attention to detail, and time management skills, ensuring that client matters were handled efficiently and effectively.

Recognizing the emerging field of fertility and reproductive law, Charlotte took the initiative to establish the Queen's Fertility and Reproductive Law Club. Through this platform, she aimed to educate and shed light on the legal complexities surrounding surrogacy agreements, fertility rights, and reproductive technologies.

Beyond her legal endeavours, Charlotte actively engages in a range of interests and activities, including frequenting the gym, perfecting her cinnamon roll recipe, and attempting to keep all her plants alive. 


Work Experience 

Articling Student, Schultz Law Group LLP, Toronto, Ontario (July 2023–Present)

Legal Student, Cram & Associates, London, Ontario (May-September 2022) 

Student Caseworker, Queen’s Legal Aid, Kingston, Ontario (September 2021-May 2022) 

Legal Assistant, Nelligan Law, Ottawa, Ontario (May-September 2021)  



Juris Doctor, Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario (2020 - 2023) 

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology, Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario (2016-2020)